Authors are invited to submit their original research works on Applied Algorithms. Simultaneous submission to a journal or another conference with refereed proceedings is not allowed. Papers must be prepared using LaTeX/LaTeX2e and should not exceed 12 pages in Springer Verlag LNCS style. The LNCS style file must be used without altering margins and font size. The paper must be submitted as a .pdf file using Microsoft CMT.A Microsoft CMT account is needed for submitting papers.Submission server is now open.

Submissions Instructions

Track A: (Discrete Algorithms)

Data Structures

Graph Algorithms

Computational Biology

Computational Geometry

Approximation Algorithms

Randomized Algorithms

Algorithmic Microfluidics

Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Cryptography and Network Security

Energy Efficient Algorithms

Track B: (AI and Machine Learning)

Machine Learning Algorithms

Deep Learning Algorithms

Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Natural Language Processing

Heuristic Search

Generative AI

Computer Vision

Data Mining

Logic and Reasoning

Optimization Algorithms

Track C: (Industrial Applications)

Recommender Systems

Spatial Informatics and GIS

Hardware Accelerated Algorithms

Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing

Smart Cities and IoT Applications

Electronic Design Automation

Social Network Analytics

Healthcare Informatics

Big Data Analytics


We solicit contributions covering various areas including but not limited to the following topics classified under three tracks as follows

Topics Of Interest

In Hybrid Mode

International Conference on Applied Algorithms

Paper Submission

Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata

University in Kolkata, West Bengal


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Call for Papers


Venue & Travel
